Podcast: Promoting Bilingual Education and Supporting English Learners

July 28, 2023
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At SEAL, we work to uplift the needs of English Learners and Dual Language Learners. Our program manager Patricia recently discussed SEAL's approach and the importance of bilingual education in the “More Than A Test” podcast hosted by Laura Glaab, VP of Customer Engagement and Strategic Initiatives at Amira Learning.

>>Listen to the full podcast to learn more about SEAL's work and how we can all do our part to better support English language learners.

During the podcast, Patricia explained how SEAL provides professional development, resources and coaching to help teachers implement strategies that support English Learners and Dual Language Learners. This includes focusing on oral language development, providing scaffolds and visual supports, and incorporating students' home languages.

While bilingual programs have been shown to benefit students the most, Patricia stressed that even in English-only settings, teachers can nurture students' home languages and partner with families. She also highlighted the need for multilingual resources and authentic texts in students' native languages.

The conversation also touched on advocacy efforts to ensure that the science of reading movement considers the needs of English Learners. Patricia emphasized the importance of having educators who believe in the potential of multilingual students and the value they bring to the classroom.