
Explore our published insights designed to help advance the field’s understanding of what works for English Learners, Dual Language Learners, and Multilingual Learners.

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Effective ELD in California's Dual Language Programs


Centering English Learner/ Emergent Bilingual Students in Literacy Research and Instruction

There is a considerable amount of attention currently on the science of reading, with many states rushing to adopt policies that are purportedly aligned with it.


A P-3 Framework: Centering English Learners

This framework is authored by Dr. Laurie Olsen, provides a vision of an inclusive, equitable P–3 system that draws on EL expertise to create an aligned schooling system responsive to English Learners from early education through the elementary grades.


Building the Supply of Bilingual Teachers in California

Evidence From State Investment Shows Districts Should Look Closer to Home for Bilingual Teacher Candidates


Latest Presentations

Event Follow-Up: Progress and Status of California’s English Learners

SEAL's Executive Director Anya Hurwitz, Ph.D., joined Learning Policy Institute, California State Board of Education, Californians Together, California Department of Education, Stanford Graduate School of Education for a briefing hosted by the Learning Policy Institute on supporting California’s long-term English Learners through the new state dashboard.

High Quality DLI: Pedagogy, Curriculum, Instruction Webinar Recording

In this webinar, SEAL Associate Director Heather Skibbins joined University of Missouri and Biltmore Preparatory Academy on best practices for dual language programs, from infants to early elementary students. They discussed how to adapt curricula, pedagogy, and instruction for dual language programs, and how to ensure that all instruction and curricula are culturally and linguistically responsive.

Designated and Integrated ELD: Using Language Functions as a Bridge (CABE 2024)

Are you struggling to design student-responsive Designated ELD that builds upon what students are learning in Spanish?

Designated ELD that Targets Your Students Needs (CABE 2024)

Need help planning “in response to” Designated ELD lessons?

Coaching: The Essential Role to Enact Powerful, Lasting Reform(CABE 2024)

Implementing lasting systems change, as prescribed by the CA EL Roadmap, requires the essential role of a Coach to hold the vision of success for Language Learners

Cross-Linguistic Connections in Multilingual Programs (CABE 2024)

Bilingual children need the skills to analyze and understand both their languages; to know how they work and how they are similar and different.