Seeking in-depth analysis about English Learners and Dual Language Learners in California? Want to discover other ways schools are centering multilingualism in their education community? Need to stay up-to-date on EL Roadmap policy and what the latest data tells us? We bring you all the news you can put to use in your schools and classrooms every day. 

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Our Resources

Journals and publications, helpful guides, informative videos—our team has produced and curated the resources you need to support your students in dual-language immersion.  
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SEAL's 11 High-Leverage Pedagogical Practices

Our 11 High-Leverage Pedagogical Practices equip educators to create rigorous, joyful, and language-rich classrooms where every student succeeds. By integrating students’ linguistic and cultural assets, SEAL fosters a learning environment that values home languages and empowers diverse learners to reach their full potential.

Effective ELD in California's Dual Language Programs

Centering English Learner/ Emergent Bilingual Students in Literacy Research and Instruction

There is a considerable amount of attention currently on the science of reading, with many states rushing to adopt policies that are purportedly aligned with it.

A P-3 Framework: Centering English Learners

This framework is authored by Dr. Laurie Olsen, provides a vision of an inclusive, equitable P–3 system that draws on EL expertise to create an aligned schooling system responsive to English Learners from early education through the elementary grades.