Dual Language Teacher & Leadership Pedagogy Series

Designed Specifically for Dual Language Educators and Leaders!

SEAL’s Dual Language Teachers and Leadership Pedagogy Series equips educators and leaders with the tools, strategies, and support needed to create thriving dual language classrooms and schoolwide programs. Through hands-on, collaborative learning, participants walk away with real strategies that drive student success.

Why Choose SEAL's Pedagogy Series?
  • Tailored Learning Pathways: Whether you're a classroom educator or a site/district leader, your learning is customized to address your role, context, and the unique needs of your multilingual learners.
  • Comprehensive, Hands-On Professional Development:
    • Four in-person convenings for collaboration and deep dives into instructional strategies.
    • Six interactive 2-hour webinars to sustain learning and application over time.
  • Optional Consulting Services: Get personalized support from SEAL’s expert team to bring strategies to life at your school and ensure sustainable, site-wide implementation.
Download an informational pdf
Key Takeaways You Can Expect:
  • Practical Classroom Strategies: Discover collaborative activities that foster student interaction and promote bilingual development.
  • Celebrate Cultural and Linguistic Assets: Leverage students' and families’ strengths to create inclusive, culturally responsive classrooms.
  • Responsive ELD Approaches: Implement Designated English Language Development strategies that harness the power of the bilingual brain.
  • A Robust Teaching Toolkit: Access research-based resources, proven practices, and planning tools to enhance learning experiences.

Guided by SEAL’s research and evidence-based approach, this program ignites powerful practices that support language development, literacy, and engaging, joyful learning for dual language learners.

Dual Language Teacher Pedagogy Offering (Two-Year)

Learning cycles will provide comprehensive, hands-on skill building and classroom strategies aligned to the ELA/ELD Framework, EL Roadmap and improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students.

For: Teachers with bilingual authorization credentials, teaching in a DL Setting or who aspire to do so.

  • Six Virtual learning Sessions
  • 6-8 weeks of implementation time between sessions
  • Four bilingual convenings

  1. Grounding in bilingual pedagogy and the three pillars of Dual Language
  2. Strategically coordinating and scaffolding authentic biliteracy instruction
  3. Implementing effective Designated ELD within the Dual Language classroom
  4. Leveraging and celebrating students and families cultural and linguistic assets and more.
Dual Language Leadership Offering (Two-Year)

Ideally paired with the Dual Language Teacher Pedagogy Series, participants will receive materials and learn about research, planning tools, pedagogy and practices specific to their role.

FOR: Principals of Dual Languages Sites, whole planning teams, School-based central office or county administrators supporting biliteracy instruction and programming in one-and two-way immersion DL programs PK-6.

  • Six virtual learning sessions
  • Four bilingual convenings

  1. Understanding program models.
  2. Starting, Growing, evaluating and improving your site or your program
  3. Identifying the leadership roles in supporting the 7 pedagogical practices for biliteracy
  4. Examining equity grounded models for biliteracy that include program vision, integrated instruction, strategic language allocation plans and comprehensive bilingual assessment
  5. Articulating a plan, leaving with actionable next steps, including a plan for sustainable.
Consulting (Pair With Dual Language Teacher Pedagogy)

Paired with the Dual Language Leadership Series, Our customized one-on-one engagement with SEAL Bilingual consulting teams offer additional collaborative, needs-responsive layer of support.

FOR: Site or district admin. instructional coaches and lead teachers and lead teachers and school-based central office or county administrators

  • Personalized
  • One-on-one

  1. Designing/revising a district’s mission, vision, implementation plan
  2. Providing DL planning tools, resources, & research
  3. Assessing your program needs
  4. Support and modeling with implementation of strategies
  5. Deepening family and community commitment and more ...

Get In Touch

For additional information contact Ulises Gonzalez

Additional Offerings

Early Learning Series

Evidence-based practices to support dual language learners and their families in preschool and transitional kindergarten.

Content-Based Integrated and Designated ELD

Design and deliver powerful student-responsive English Language Development lessons

ELD Technical Assistance

Companion to three-day integrated and Designated Institute