Literature of Windows & Mirrors Bibliography

A collection of wonderful books that address gender, race/ethnicity, language, economic class, and family structures.
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Our Resources
Looking for more ways to engage your students and create a joyful learning environment? We’ve curated the best resources—from SEAL-approved tools for Dual Language and Multilingual Learners to videos that bring you directly into our classrooms —to give your students the opportunity to learn, thrive, and lead.

Effective ELD in California's Dual Language Programs

Centering English Learner/ Emergent Bilingual Students in Literacy Research and Instruction
There is a considerable amount of attention currently on the science of reading, with many states rushing to adopt policies that are purportedly aligned with it.

A P-3 Framework: Centering English Learners
This framework is authored by Dr. Laurie Olsen, provides a vision of an inclusive, equitable P–3 system that draws on EL expertise to create an aligned schooling system responsive to English Learners from early education through the elementary grades.

Building the Supply of Bilingual Teachers in California
Evidence From State Investment Shows Districts Should Look Closer to Home for Bilingual Teacher Candidates