Summary Research Brief

From 2015 to 2019, Loyola Marymount University’s Center for Equity for English Learners (CEEL), in partnership with the Wexford Institute, conducted a rigorous multi year evaluation of the Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) model. This replication study followed an earlier evaluation of SEAL in two Bay Area school districts. That initial research (Lindholm-Leary, 2015) found that despite starting school behind their peers, SEAL students caught up with or surpassed peers on various measures ranging from language and literacy to math and science. Based on that success, SEAL has rapidly expanded to additional schools and districts. With funding from the Sobrato Philanthropies, CEEL and the Wexford Institute studied SEAL’s implementation and outcomes in 67 schools from 12 California districts. This research brief summarizes the replication evaluation’s findings. The evaluators found that SEAL improved teaching practices and that SEAL ELs demonstrated stronger engagement as well as positive language development and academic outcomes. This evidence demonstrates that SEAL can be replicated at scale (CEEL & Wexford Institute, 2020). The brief concludes with implications for continued implementation and replication of SEAL and other practices to support English Learners.

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Looking for more ways to engage your students and create a joyful learning environment? We’ve curated the best resources—from SEAL-approved tools for Dual Language and Multilingual Learners to videos that bring you directly into our classrooms —to give your students the opportunity to learn, thrive, and lead.

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A P-3 Framework: Centering English Learners

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