March 26, 2025

SEAL at CABE 2025


The California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)’s 50th Annual Conference is in Long Beach on March 26 - 29, 2025 and themed “Honoring Our Past, Embracing Our Future: 50 Years of Bilingual Advocacy & Excellence” SEAL is a proud sponsor and participating in ten workshop sessions for educators, families and community partners. Be sure to also visit us at booth #742 to experience a SEAL classroom in action and chat with our team!

SEAL Sessions

Designated and Integrated ELD: Using Language Functions as a Bridge

Charice Guerra & Michelle Rosecrans | Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | 1:00 - 2:15 p.m.

Are you struggling to design student-responsive Designated ELD that builds upon what students are learning in Spanish? Bilingual teachers will explore SEAL’s model of language functions, graphic organizers, differentiated sentence frames, and transfer lessons while developing a deep understanding of how to bridge what their students are learning in Spanish into content-based Designated ELD. We will examine classroom artifacts and videos to show how you can connect what you are doing throughout your day in a way that develops academic language and literacy in both languages.

Dual Language Learner Literacy Development in Early Childhood Education and the Science of Reading

Dr. Martha I. Martinez (SEAL), Dr. Laurie Olsen, Sonia Soltero & Socorro Herrera | Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | 2:45 - 4:00 p.m.

In this session we share the recent white paper published by the National Committee for Effective Literacy that speaks to the unique language and literacy needs of young dual language learners in the context of science of reading practices and policies.

Supporting Bilingualism in PreK and TK

‍Karen Ascencio & Ana Marisol Sánchez | Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 10:30 - 11:45 a.m.

This session will explore current research on meeting the needs of young DLLs, particularly in the area of oral language development in both their home language and English. We will discuss what is meant by “rich, complex, precise language” and the various roles adults can play to foster and advance oral language skills within the context of thematic instruction. Additionally, we will introduce key strategies to take back to your classroom to support this work.

El poder de contar historias: Herramientas para promover el bilingüismo en casa

Ana Marisol Sánchez & Karen Ascencio | Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 1:30 - 2:45 p.m.

Este taller le proveerá herramientas, y estrategias sobre cómo promover el bilingüismo en casa usando las mejores prácticas basadas en la investigación del modelo SEAL. ¡Salga con una colección de ideas para involucrar a sus hijos en el hogar y en la escuela! 

Designated ELD that Targets Your Students Needs

Ashleigh Williams & Adriana Díaz | Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 3:15 - 4:30 p.m.

Need help planning “in response to” Designated ELD lessons? We will share a formative assessment technique, Oral Language Analysis (OLA), used in the SEAL model to help you successfully plan and implement responsive DELD lessons. Through watching videos, analyzing ELD standards, and opportunities for hands-on application and reflection, you will walk away with quick and easy-to-use templates and tools for planning and implementing formative assessments for DELD lessons with your students tomorrow!

TheDictado - A Powerful Strategy for Dual Language Classrooms

Michelle Rosecrans & Jenny Rodriguez | Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 5:00 - 6:15 p.m.

Come discover TheDictado: An essential tool and explicit approach for teaching writing skills and fostering cross-linguistic connections. Developed from Kathy Escamilla and Literacy Squared’s pioneering work, this method enriches bilingual environments by enhancing writing proficiency and promoting transfer between languages. Through engaging discussions on language and conventions, students refine their skills while exploring grade-level unit themes, ensuring writing relevance and deepened metalinguistic awareness. Join us to equip yourself with this effective tool that supports student success and linguistic growth.

Cross-Linguistic Connections in Multilingual Programs 

Adriana Díaz & Ashleigh Williams | Friday, March 28, 2025 | 10:30 - 11:45 a.m.

Bilingual children need the skills to analyze and understand both their languages; to know how they work and how they are similar and different. This interactive workshop will explore how to develop students’ metalinguistic awareness through cross-linguistic strategies and practices. Through classroom videos and strategies such as TheDictado, Así se dice, and Metalinguistic Anchor Charts, we will equip teachers with the practical skills to develop students' biliteracy through understanding the relationship between their two languages.

Administrative Leadership Symposium

Friday, March 28, 2025 | 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. | Download Flyer

Featuring special guests and esteemed partners, alongside additional honored guests.

  • SEAL (Executive Director Dr. Anya Hurwitz)
  • Californians Together
  • State of California Department of Education
  • California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators
  • Loyola Marymount University Center for Equity for English Learners
  • Orenda

The Time Is Now! Getting Back on Track with Language and Literacy for a Multilingual California

Have you implemented the EL Roadmap in your school district? How far along are you with the implementation of the California English Language Development Framework?

Join us to evaluate your current progress and identify the next steps for successful implementation.


  • Engage with experts and advocates in the field on current topics related to equity in the education of CA English learner and multilingual students.
  • Gain an overview of the CA ELA/ELD Framework and the CA EL Roadmap, and assess your LEA's progress in implementation.
  • See how the ELA/ELD Framework and the CA English Learner Roadmap can be implemented through a comprehensive whole school and systems approach, such as the SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Literacy) model.
  • Get to know the organizations across the state that provide tools, resources, and supports to LEAs when it comes to implementation of the state policy and framework.
  • Hear from “Bright Spot School Districts” that are successfully implementing components and principles of the ELA/ELD Framework and CA English Learner Roadmap.

Maximizing ELD Impact: Practical Tools and Strategies for Leaders

‍Judith Alcala & Charice Guerra  | Friday, March 28, 2025 | 1:30 - 2:45 p.m.

Are you a district or site leader seeking effective ways to support your classroom teachers with designated ELD? Join us for a dynamic session where you'll engage with a practical observation tool designed specifically for designated ELD, learn a research-backed strategy to boost teacher confidence and effectiveness, and collaborate with peers to plan actionable next steps for you and your staff. This session offers the tools and strategies needed to enhance classroom practices and student outcomes, ensuring a cohesive and supportive approach to designated ELD. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a lasting impact on your teachers and multilingual students!

Supporting Multilingual Learners in Transitional Kindergarten Expansion and Implementation

Patricia E. Chavez (SEAL), Pamela Low (EdTrust-West) & Carolyne Crolotte (Early Edge California) | Friday, March 28, 2025 | 3:15 - 4:30 p.m.

As Transitional Kindergarten (TK) in our state expands to serve all 4-year-olds, it is imperative for California to be intentional about building in supports for multilingual learners and their families. This session will uplift best practices in supporting these students in TK, opportunities to expand bilingual programs and pathways, and highlight recent efforts to ensure TK embeds developmentally appropriate practices for multilingual learners.

Event Registration

Reserve your spot at our next event by registering below. We can’t wait to see you!

Other Events

April 2025

Webinar: Building Strong Foundations: Instructional Strategies to Support Assembly Bill 2268 and P-3 Alignment

SEAL's Executive Director Dr. Anya Hurwitz will join the California State Department of Education, Early Edge California and American Institutes for Research for a virtual event on how to best support TK students through the implementation of AB2268, which focuses on the initial identification and assessment of English learners and shift away from the ELPAC.