SEAL 2022 February Newsletter

February 25, 2022
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Letter from the Executive Director

Dear SEAL Partners,

Today marks the last day of Black History Month and I reflect on this passage from James Baldwin in The Fire Next Time:“One can be–indeed, one must strive to become–tough and philosophical concerning destruction and death, for this is what most of mankind has been best at since we have heard of war; remember, I said most of mankind, but it is not permissible that the authors of devastation should also be innocent. It is the innocence which constitutes the crime.

Baldwin’s words reinforce the importance of understanding that Black history is United States history and world history, and how critical it is to have a balanced set of historical perspectives rather than a glorified, racist retelling of the past; for this is certainly core to an equitable and just society. You can read James Baldwin’s A Letter to my Nephew here.

SEAL honors Black History Month today and every day by actively committing ourselves to inclusive, anti-racist schools and classrooms. Our staff works to advance racial equity through culturally and linguistically affirming education – and we stand strong with teachers and all our partners making this a reality in diverse classrooms across California. We also celebrate our Black educators – the brilliance and cultural assets they bring into classrooms and schools – as we build a new system rooted in educational equity.

As an organization that cares passionately about the physical, emotional, and mental health of our children and communities, we will continue to be relentless in the face of oppression and affirm Black Lives Matter. This is our promise to you.In solidarity,Dr. Anya Hurwitz

A Note on Current Events

We are saddened to hear about the events unfolding in Ukraine at this moment. Throughout history we know that children are the ones who suffer most when their communities are under attack. Every child deserves the right to experience joyful and engaging learning, and above all feel safe.Here at home, we know that our students are watching, have questions or may want to talk about what’s happening in Ukraine. EdWeek has created this guide to help teachers talk with students about the Russian-Ukraine War.

“If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a war against war, we shall have to begin with the children” – Mahatma Gandhi

Grant Opportunities for Districts!

The California Dept. of Education has announced a Request for Applications for the Dual Language Immersion Grant to expand or establish dual language immersion programs. The deadline for applications is March 15, 2022 by 4pm PST. Please note that the intent to apply deadline has passed. All information about the program and deadlines can be found here.

Since 2008, SEAL has partnered with dozens of districts to provide comprehensive professional development to preschool and school district leaders, principals, and teachers. SEAL’s professional development ignites changes in systems and practices that support language development, literacy, and engaging, joyful learning— for English Learners, and ALL students.

The Dual Immersion Grant Program can provide districts with resources for high-quality professional development. SEAL is excited to offer three types of support for dual language program development and expansion.


Learn more about our offeringsFor pricing, questions, or more information, please contact Patty Delaney at

Save the Date!

Educator Webinar on Resources for Supporting PreK – 3rd Multilingual Children!

SEAL and Early Edge California have partnered to present a three-part webinar series this spring 2022 for PreK-3rd educators of Multilingual Learners (MLs). These sessions will highlight three of the key instructional strategy areas featured in the Multilingual Learning Toolkit:

  1. Family engagement
  2. Supporting ML’s oral language development
  3. Supporting ML’s home language development

The Toolkit is an online hub featuring a vetted selection of research-based resources and best practices specifically for educators, administrators, and teacher education faculty whose work supports young Multilingual Learners. It is the result of a collaborative effort that includes researchers, practitioners, advocacy organizations, state agencies, and philanthropic organizations from California and across the nation.All webinars will take place via Zoom from 4:00-5:00 p.m. (PST).

Session 1: Partnering with Families to Affirm Children’s Languages, Cultures & Identities will be conducted in English on March 2nd and in Spanish on March 29th.

Session 2: Supporting Multilingual Learners’ Oral Language Development highlights the various roles early childhood educators play in supporting young children’s oral language development and is scheduled for April 21st.

Session 3: Supporting Multilingual Learners’ Home Language Development will focus on essential strategies and practices educators can use to create a welcoming learning environment that supports bilingualism and a child’s connection to their home language. This webinar will be held on May 12th.Hosted by Early Edge California, the webinar series will be led by our fantastic SEAL Programs Team:

  • Patricia Montes Pate, Program Coordinator
  • Ana Marisol Sanchez, Program Specialist; and
  • Cory Wechsler, Program Coordinator

For more information and to register for these free webinars, please visit the registration page. Register now!

To learn more about the Multilingual Learning Toolkit, read this blog by New America that highlights SEAL resources for supporting Dual Language Learners.

SEAL in the Field


The SEAL Program Team is excited to present NINE workshops at this year’s CABE 2022 Conference: Stand Up! Get Up! For Biliteracy and Multilingual Rights! The conference will be held virtually March 29 to April 2, 2022.

Join us at our sessions!

Wednesday, March 30th | 4:45pm-6:45pm

  • World in the Classroom: Honoring Students’ and Teachers’ Identities and Experiences
  • Lead for Equity: The Power of Dual Language Programs
  • Coaching: The Essential Role to Enact Powerful, Lasting Reform
  • Tools and Techniques for Planning Responsive DELD Lessons

Thursday, March 31th | 5:55pm-6:45pm

  • ¡El Tiempo es Ahora! / The Time is Now! Empower Yourself – Advocate for Dual Language Programs

Friday, April 1st | 4:45pm-6:45pm

  • ¡Taller para padres!
  • Designated and Integrated ELD: Using Language Functions as a Bridge
  • Supporting DLLs in PreK & TK

Saturday, April 2nd | 9:30am-12:40pm

  • Calling All Parents and Guardians!

Click below to learn more about the workshops and register.

Windows and Mirrors

Facebook Post & Caption by Candice Bersola-Vallejos

My new “World in the Classroom” area and writing center!

When I was trained in the SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Language) Model, we were introduced to the importance of “mirrors and windows”…through multicultural and inclusive books and through the love of reading! “Mirrors” are books that are reflections of ourselves and “windows” are books that allow us to see, look, and understand the lives of all of those around us!!!I’ve read each of these books to my daughter, Morgan, and now I’m excited for my students to explore, appreciate, understand and love one another because our diversity is what makes us so special and great!!!It makes us feel extra proud we see our SEAL-trained teachers putting into practice what they learn.

Teacher Candice Bersola-Vallejos, posted this photo on Facebook to show how she’s providing her students with cultural and linguistic affirming education. Let’s show Candice some LOVE – Like, Comment, and Share her Facebook post!

Are you interested in learning more about the “mirrors and windows” practice?

Click on SEAL Tools to find the FREE Literature of “Mirrors and Windows” Biography: A series of wonderful books to be used in a classroom that addresses gender, race, economic class and family structures in order to provide windows out to the world and mirrors for students to see themselves.

You can find other educator resources as well!

SEAL Resources

SEAL Staff Having an Impact

SEAL’s Program Manager & District Relations Administrator, Charice Guerra, was appointed to the state’s Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) for a four-year term. This Commission advises the State Board of Education on critical matters related to curriculum and instruction. California is lucky to have Charice’s expertise and SEAL is proud that one of our own is championing the needs of DLL/EL students. Congratulations, Charice!

Looking for your next career opportunity?

SEAL is looking for our next Program Specialist who will deliver professional development to educators across the state. Apply Now!