
Explore our published insights designed to help advance the field’s understanding of what works for English Learners, Dual Language Learners, and Multilingual Learners.

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How Families Can Develop Oral Language

A resource that informs families of different ways they can help develop oral language.

Classroom Tools

Mountain View School District Case Study

See Mountain View School District's district-wide strategy for implementing SEAL, adapting our model to suit their specific English Learner and Dual Language Learner needs and timelines.

Case Studies

Redwood City School District Case Study

Learn how Redwood City School District emphasizes the crucial role of bilingual educators in adopting the SEAL approach, and illustrates its implementation in both preschool and elementary school settings.

Case Studies

Oak Grove School District Case Study

See how Oak Grove School District enhanced the SEAL model's effectiveness and longevity by extending it to upper elementary grades and prioritizing on teacher input and collaboration.

Case Studies

Latest Presentations

Taller para familias – apoya el éxito académico en casa

Este taller le proveerá herramientas, y estrategias sobre cómo promover el bilingüismo en casa usando las mejores prácticas basadas en la investigación del modelo SEAL.

What are the benefits of building oral language, vocabulary, and background knowledge in a student’s home language?

Patricia Pate’s session discussion focused on the research base, benefits, and implications of developing oral language skills.

What are Some Primary Considerations for Teaching Foundational Skills to Emergent Bilinguals/ English Learners?

With panelists from the University of Oregon and Stanford University and moderated by Dr. Antonio Fierro

Play, Relationships + Academics: Teaching the Ways Kindergartners Learn Best (Campaign for Grade-Level Reading)

SEAL’s Anya Hurwitz took part in the second of a six-part webinar series by The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading.

Release Event: Economic Impact of Multilingual Learning

SEAL with Early Edge California joined Bay Area Council Economic Institute and Sobrato Philanthropies as a panelist to discuss their recent report.

2022 Birth to 12th Grade Water Cooler Conference Day 2 - Centering Equity in K-12 Systems (Catalyst California)

SEAL’s Executive Director Anya Hurwitz moderated a panel at the Fall 2022 Birth to 12th Grade Water Cooler Conference focused on centering equity in K-12 systems.