CABE 2023-SEAL Sessions

January 31, 2023
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The California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)’s 48th Annual Conference is back in-person at the Long Beach Convention Center on March 22 – 25, 2023 for “Testimonios: The Power of Our Stories, Our Art and Our Dreams.” SEAL is a proud partner and will offer eight various workshop sessions for educators, families and community partners. See below for details and times. We look forward to seeing you there! REGISTER TODAY!

FEATURED SPEAKER: The Power of Stories for Equity-Focused School Transformation

Anya Hurwitz | Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 3:15 – 4:30 p.m. | Hyatt Regency Long Beach, Room: Regency BOur stories, nuestros testimonios, shift hearts and minds, offering critical examples that inspire, spark action, and transform – even in times of uncertainty or challenge.

In California, 1.4 million students in our K-12 public school system are English Learners, and 60% of all children 0-5 years old are Dual Language Learners who speak a language other than English at home. This number will only continue to grow, and it is critical that our schools treat them with asset-based approaches.

SEAL’s Executive Director Anya Hurwitz along with California school leaders and educators will share how they’re working to center the assets and needs of their multilingual learners and demonstrate that it’s possible. This interactive session will provide participants with turn-key strategies that can be used to inspire in their own school communities and create equity focused school transformation. Participants will receive copies of The SEAL Case Study Series.

Testimonios: How Powerful Stories Transform Dual Language Learning Communities

Jennifer McNeil & Adriana Diaz | Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 3:15 – 4:30 p.m. | Renaissance Long Beach Hotel, Room: Broadlind I/IIIn dual language we are tasked not only with the pedagogy of biliteracy, but with nurturing our students and our own intersectional identities, our languages, cultures, races/ ethnicities and more. How do we nurture sociocultural competence, become more critically conscious of these intersections, and engage in raciolinguistic equity?

Come to this workshop to learn how teachers in one K-6 dual language program–themselves schooled in an era of English only hegemony and racism– are using the practice of testimonios to strengthen relationships and to make space for and honor their own raciolinguistic intersectional identities. Participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to write and share (if they choose) their own testimonio. Please join us in community and “speak your brave truth unapologetically.”

Discover Successful Approaches to Designated ELD that Responds to YOUR Students Needs

Jennifer Clinkscales & Heather Skibbons | Thursday, March 23, 2023 |  4:45 – 6 p.m. | Long Beach Convention Center, Room:102ANeed help planning “in response to” Designated ELD lessons? We will share a formative assessment technique, Oral Language Analysis (OLA), used in the SEAL model to help you successfully plan and implement responsive DELD lessons.

Through watching videos, analyzing ELD standards, and opportunities for hands-on application and reflection, you will walk away with quick and easy-to-use templates and tools for planning and implementing formative assessments for DELD lessons with your students tomorrow!

Centering Multilingual Families + Communities within the $4.1 Billion Community Schools Partnership Program

Anya Hurwitz | Friday, March 24, 2023 | 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. | Hyatt Regency Long Beach, Room: Seaview CCalifornia is making a historic $4.1 billion investment through its Community Schools Partnership Program grants. Schools can use these grants to fund a variety of supports. But not everyone is taking advantage – just yet. Building culturally and linguistically responsive family-school partnerships will be key, though many school leaders are saying they need help.

Learn how community schools can promote home language development and multilingualism through culturally and linguistically responsive family-school partnerships. Hear from school district and site leaders who will share their approaches and success stories for making community schools a reality. Learn how you can too!

Supporting Bilingualism in PreK & TK

Patricia Pate & Ana Marisol Sanchez | Friday, March 24, 2023 | 1:30 – 2:45 p.m. | Long Beach Convention Center, Room: 202AYoung children have the capacity to learn two languages, but this requires intentional planning. How do you begin planning for integrated curriculum instruction? Which scaffolds should you use to support and give children the confidence to speak in both languages. Are you a PreK or TK teacher looking for strategies to help develop bilingualism in children?

Come learn how the Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) approach supports teachers in this work. Participants will receive access to planning tools and key strategies.

Taller para familias – apoya el éxito académico en casa

Adriana Diaz & Karen Ascencio | Friday, March 24, 2023 | 1:30 – 2:45 p.m.| Hyatt Regency Long Beach, Room: Seaview CEste taller le proveerá herramientas, y estrategias sobre cómo promover el bilingüismo en casa usando las mejores prácticas basadas en la investigación del modelo SEAL. ¡Salga con una colección de ideas para involucrar a sus hijos en el hogar y en la escuela!

Designated & Integrated ELD: Using Language Functions as a Bridge

Heather Skibbons & Erin Magill Peleti | Friday, March 24, 2023 | 4:45 – 6 p.m. | Long Beach Convention Center, Room: 102AAre you struggling to design a student-responsive Designated ELD that builds upon what students are learning in Spanish? Through SEAL’s model of language functions, graphic organizers, differentiated sentence frames, and transfer lessons Dual Language teachers will explore how to bridge what their students are learning in Spanish into content-based Designated ELD.

We will examine classroom artifacts and videos to show how you can connect what you are doing throughout your day in a way that develops academic language and literacy in both languages.