Four Educator Resources to Kickstart the School Year
August 10, 2023
As an exciting new school year begins, equitable access to quality educator resources is essential. We’ve gathered some free materials to assist educators as they support English Learners and Dual Language Learners. Get ready for a wonderful year ahead by accessing the following tools:
- Learn about our approach to building rich, rigorous engaged learning where students enjoy being in the classroom.
- From SEAL
- Read Chapter 3: Multilingual Programs and Pedagogy: What Teachers and Administrators Need to Know and Do
- From California Department of Education
- co-authored by SEAL's Senior Director of Research and Evaluation, Martha I. Martinez and Associate Director, Heather Skibbins.
- Literacy development and effective literacy instruction for young, developing bilingual children who are learning English as a new language in early childhood classrooms.
- From the National Committee for Effective Literacy, co-authored by SEAL’s Senior Director of Research and Evaluation, Martha I. Martinez
- Framework for foundational literacy skills instruction around six principles to ensure that ELs develop the necessary literacy skills to engage with complex text in all subject areas successfully.
- From Council of the Great City Schools
For even more free materials, visit our SEAL resource page. You can also access our YouTube channel, with more than 40 videos.
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